5 Reasons why finding an engineering job through a Dutch recruitment company in Spain is good for your resume

The benefits of working in Holland cannot be disputed and finding an engineering job through a Dutch recruitment company in Spain could be that little extra something that will help your career take off. Here are 5 reasons why you should submit your resume today: 1. You’re more valued by employers Employers are always looking for […]

Engineering jobs in Holland

Whether you are just finishing your degree in engineering or searching for the next step up the ladder, Spanish Professionals has the engineering jobs in Holland for you. The Netherlands (Holland) is where many international companies have chosen to have their European headquarters. Rotterdam represents the first port entry for Europe. Amsterdam has a big […]

Why using an International Recruitment Agency will get you results

A combination of globalization and modern technology has made it easier than ever to find a job in another country.  Still entering the international job market can be a daunting experience; that initial point where you start – especially if it is your first time– can be overwhelming. Often you don’t know where to begin, […]

Do you have a passion for SCADA?

We are looking for enthusiastic individuals, interested in SCADA jobs! Spanish Professionals specializes in the international recruitment of skilled engineers for SCADA jobs with some of the world’s leading companies. Have you just completed your bachelor or master in a technical field, e.g. Industrial Automation or Electrical Engineering? Do you have equivalent experience? Are you looking to […]

Skype Job Interviews

Remember when there was no internet and no standardized online hiring procedure? Yeah, me neither. But even back then engineers were being hired every day and starting new jobs. The point is though that back then, the principles for an interview were based on getting yourself physically in front of a person. So that you […]

What makes a great engineer?

Engineers are responsible for some of the world’s greatest inventions. They are the people that keep things going. That make companies work. That do the work behind the scenes so that keep profits coming in. Basically, the world depends and can’t do without the technology that engineers have developed. Everything from space shuttles to designing […]

Your resume and Social Media

Since its launch in 2002, LinkedIn has continued to grow in popularity and is now the world’s largest professional network. You probably already have an account on LinkedIn, but before you start job hunting, it’s in your best interest to have an up-to-date and consistent professional LinkedIn profile. Because you don’t want to risk missing […]

Why enthusiasm will put you ahead of the competition

We all know that during an interview you want to show off your education, your skills and your work history. But what happens if you just completed your engineering degree and have (virtually) no work experience? Well, Spanish Professionals has helped many new graduates on the road to success by finding them a great engineering […]

How to get that Engineering job after you graduate

As an engineering student you work hard to get good grades and to pass every exam. All that hard work has to pay off. But even though you have applied to multiple jobs, you might not be getting the interviews for the job that you want. So why are you having a hard time getting […]

Just graduated and need an engineering job?

You just received your engineering degree! But now it’s time for the hard part: you have to find an engineering job! We know that going from college to beginning your career can be difficult. And if you are struggling through a frustrating job search, it can feel like you’re never going to find the right […]