Welcome to the Car and Truck Mechanic Recruitment Days!

You are just a few steps away from registering for the NEXT Car and Truck Mechanic Recruitment Days! On the 6th of September 2024 we will be conducting interviews for Car Mechanics and Truck Mechanics! We have many jobs to fill in Holland and we offer very competitive salaries depending upon your skill level and experience. Submit your resume today and get selected for an interview and find your dream job in Holland!

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for talented and experienced Mechanics with an understanding of the English and/or German language to work in the Netherlands.

How it works

jobs mechanical industrial electrical engineers

Register by submitting your resume today! Don't forget to send us a copy of your mechanic's diploma! One of our recruiters will then contact you!

Job Description

jobs mechanical industrial electrical engineers

As a truck or car mechanic making small repairs or diagnosing malfunctions, but also major challenging technical repairs, are familiar territory for you. You have fun every day at work with your colleagues. In addition, you are attentive to the customers and you are happy to explain the repairs and maintenance of the car or truck.

    Submit your English resume now

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